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Wilms Tumor, Nephroblastoma Cancer Information, Research, Statistics & Support


The Wilms Cancer Foundation wants to ensure that something practical comes from Williams' difficult fight. 


Early diagnosis would have prevented this pain, stress and heartache (as well as the unnecessary strains on the healthcare system). So our objective is to establish a universal program of awareness, education, advocacy, early detection and treatment of the childhood kidney cancer 'Wilms'. 

We also seek to support families and children, like William himself, as they tackle cancer. Through our Dream-Making program we aim to lighten the financial burden faced by families throughout North America and generate something positive in what is a terrifying situation.

From the outset the Wilms Cancer Foundations central purpose has been quite bold: 


"to raise awareness on this tragic disease in order to eradicate the pain and heartache unnecessarily suffered by so many".


While it seems like a daunting task, it is one that we believe 'is' ultimately achievable.



Through a program of universal education and awareness we seek to shed light on the condition in order to ensure that advanced early screening for the disease becomes mandatory.

By lobbying government and healthcare sectors at local, regional and national levels we can make early detection of Wilms in children standard-procedure and, not only save lives but avoid the tragic circumstances that children like William and his family are forced to endure. 

Importantly, a simple early detection test would free-up the healthcare sector and save millions of dollars in medical and insurance expenses. Valuable time and money that can be used elsewhere.

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The interaction of foundational relationships


We also look to lobby for increased research funding in order to find new ways of removing the risk of diagnosis.  

Cancer is a troubling prospect but advances in medical research are putting the possibility of eradicating certain conditions within reach. We want to ensure that 'Wilms' is one of them.


Supporting Children and Families

For those who are suffering we seek to relieve the heavy emotional and financial burden that diagnosis and often protracted treatment can bring.

If you are a parent, stress, depression, bereavement, these are all issues that have to be dealt with on-top of a child's medical condition and outcome.


In addition, suddenly, 100% of their time is taken up in caring for a son or a daughter depriving families of the ability to make money and creating an inability to pay even the most essential bill's (mortgage payments, car payments, basic living expenses (like electricity and gas, even food itself) become a desperate challenge.


Even in post-treatment hidden challenges exist such as finding work, ongoing travel costs for testing, tutoring due to lost school time, counselling, debt management and loss of credit rating, etc.


However, these can all be addressed and overcome. 



  • Universal education at a local, regional and national level to raise awareness of the childhood kidney cancer 'Wilms'.

  • Lobbying healthcare and government sectors to introduce mandatory early screening and detection of 'Wilms'.

  • Promoting change, innovation and the prioritizing of new drug development within the medical research industry to counter the spread of 'Wilms'

  • Relieving the emotional and financial burden suffered by children and families diagnosed with Wilms throughout North America.

Wilms Cancer Foundation: Advocacy, Early Detection, Education, Fundraising, Grants, Treatment, Support

William would like to personally thank the following organizations for their previous and current support:

USA: Qualified 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organization | EIN:98-3478827

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Wilms Cancer Foundation


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Canada: Registered Charity: 756261939 BC0001

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